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An efficient and robust laboratory workflow and tetrapod database for larger scale environmental DNA studies. GIGASCIENCE, 8:giz029.
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Occupancy models reveal potential of conservation prioritization for Central American jaguars. ANIM CONSERV.
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Comparison of mosquito and fly derived DNA as a tool for sampling vertebrate biodiversity in suburban forests in Berlin, Germany. ENVIRON DNA.
On the road to self-sustainability: reintroduced migratory European northern bald ibises Geronticus eremita still need management interventions for population viability. ORYX, 1-12.
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Sick without signs. Subclinical infections reduce local movements, alter habitat selection, and cause demographic shifts. COMMUN BIOL, 7, 1426.
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‘Keeping the kids at home’ can limit the persistence of contagious pathogens in social animals. J ANIM ECOL, 90:2523–2535.
Three decades of wildlife-vehicle collisions in a protected area: Main roads and long-distance commuting trips to migratory prey increase spotted hyena roadkills in the Serengeti BIOL CONSERV, 279, 109950.
Getting the big picture: Landscape-scale occupancy patterns of two Annamite endemics among multiple protected areas. CONS SCI PRACT, 4:e620.
Arthropod abundance modulates bird community responses to urbanization. DIV DIST, 27:34-49.
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Understanding habitat selection of range-expanding populations of large carnivores: 20 years of grey wolves (Canis lupus) recolonizing Germany. DIVDIST, 00, 1–16.
Habitat and density effects on the demography of an expanding wolf population in Central Europe. Wildlife Biology. WILDL BIOL.
From individuals to population cycles: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in rodent populations. ECOLOGY, 97:720-732.
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. NAT COM, 10:3109.
Habitat use patterns suggest that climate-driven vegetation changes will negatively impact mammal communities in the Amazon. ANIM CONSERV.
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Effect of human induced surface water scarcity on herbivore distribution during the dry season in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania. WILDL BIOL, e01131
Host weight, seasonality and anthropogenic factors contribute to parasite community differences between urban and rural foxes. STOTEN 936.
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Spatio-temporal metapopulation trends: The coconut crabs of Zanzibar. ECOL EVOL, 14, e70168.
Addressing the Southeast Asian snaring crisis: Impact of 11 years of snare removal in a biodiversity hotspot. CONSERV LETT, e13021.
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