Department Guidelines

The guidelines for studies in the Department of Ecological Dynamics are meant to ease your start in the department and to secure high quality standards for the analysis of your data.

TL;DR: Guidelines in a Nutshell

General Information


Advice for Students (BSc | MSc | PhD)

Table of Content

General Information

The department is composed of three teams on (1) Individual Dynamics, (2) Population Dynamics and (3) Biodiversity Dynamics.

Stephanie Kramer-Schadt is the department head and leader of the Population Dynamics team. Conny Landgraf is the assistant of the department head; she can assist with administrative duties (e.g. contracts, travel sheets, etc.). Moritz Wenzler-Meya and Jan Axtner are responsible for data management, data storage and the working group’s R code collection. As each department member has a specific area of expertise, we created an expert list (see 1.3) if you need help on specific topics. PhD students and scientists are obliged to update this expert list with their own skills and responsibilities as well.

For information on the Department, check our webpage or subscribe to our Twitter account (@EcoDynIZW) for news about papers, helpful R-code, courses or scientific positions.

Teams of the Department of Ecological Dynamics:

  1. Individual Dynamics – PI: Sarah Benhaiem & Sonja Metzger (field coordination)
  2. Population Dynamics – PI: Stephanie Kramer-Schadt & Viktoriia Radchuk
  3. Biodiversity Dynamics – PI: Andreas Wilting & Rahel Sollmann

Administrative support

Conny Landgraf
Tel: -466
Email: assist6[at] or landgraf[at]

Data Managers

Dr. Jan Axtner
Tel: -342
Email: axtner[at]

Moritz Wenzler-Meya
Tel: -342
Email: wenzler[at]

In-house experts / scientists / responsibilities

Who does what in the department? Tasks and expertise as well as meeting dates and protocols can be found in the IZW Wolke.

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Conducting BSc/MSc/PhD Projects

For PhD students: please read the IZW PhD guidelines (\\izw-daten-8\Alle\GUEST\Doktorand(inn)en\IZW-PhD-rules) carefully and follow the instructions (e.g. when you have to give an introduction talk). For any question about these guidelines, contact the PhD coordinators Gábor Czirják (czirjak[at] and Sarah Benhaiem (benhaiem[at]


Thesis writing

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Organizing Workflows

To store data and results, the IZW follows the DFG-guidelines for good scientific practice. In our department, we often use “scripting” (written code of different programming languages) to process and analyze data, and make results reproducible. Work is structured and organized in projects and each project will get a project ID from the data administrators of the department. We consider a project to be a self-contained topic, e.g. analyses for a manuscript, thesis chapter, etc. For each project a separate folder is created and all relevant scripts, results, the lab-book, documents, literature, minutes of meetings etc. related to this project are to be kept in that main folder. For documents (not for scripts!) use your surname, type of document, project name and in the end the date (YYYYMMDD) as version numbers for file names (kramer_manuscript_lynxibm_20201231.docx) and do not use names like doc_final.docx, doc_finalfinal.docx, doc_lastversion.docx etc. It should contain all information needed to repeat the study and conduct follow-up studies. Whenever possible use the standardized project/folder structure shown in section 3.1. Each project or subproject should have a concise but meaningfully electronic lab-book (see section X.Z) that allows to follow the workflow and the decisions made in it.

Project workflow

Contact the Data Managers (Jan Axtner or Moritz Wenzler-Meya) of the respective teams to organize your project ID, get server access and how to arrange your workspace best. To setup a project folder, we ask you to follow the setup:


To ensure reproducibility and for your own sake always try to script your work! If possible use R, Python, SQL, etc. for analyses and avoid manual / mouse commands (e.g. ‘clicking’ in ArcGIS, QGIS etc.). If you cannot use scripts, use tools such as the model-builder in ArcGIS or QGIS and save the drag & drop model builder scripts.


Project documentation is not a final task, but an ongoing process starting from day one. DFG guidelines for Safeguarding and Storing of Primary Data states ‘Primary data as the basis for publications shall be securely stored for ten years in a durable form in the institution of their origin.’ Hence, at the end of a research project, you have to hand over a single well-documented folder per project (usually a paper on the respective subject, or the BSc thesis) along with all original data. The project folder should contain all project related documents and data (e.g. simulation model codes, simulation results, scripts for statistical analysis, scripts for tables and figures, manuscripts, important work documents, applications, permits, reports, etc.) as well as a the final version of a thesis or paper. Unfinished work (data from conducted experiments that were not analyzed or published) should contain the above documents as far as possible, including a very detailed method description. For the ease of documentation effort please follow the section (3.3.1).

Electronic lab-book

At the start of each new project, create an electronic lab-book to document your workflow and decisions therein. It is of major importance that you keep this lab-book updated. For the ease of use we recommend simple .doc files (MS Word, Libre Office etc.) to keep record of our work. Write down important thoughts, things you have tried, also failed experiments. Try to use clear and comprehensible notes. Although this generates some additional effort you will realize soon that it will help you and others to track your work and make it reproducible. We highly recommend to use GitHub as version control of your project. You have to connect your GitHub account to the EcoDynIZW organization on GitHub to share code with colleagues. Please create repositories as part of this organization. It is mandatory to hand over the electronic lab-book to the institute as part of the ‘Safeguarding and Storing of Primary Data’ regulation of the German Research Council DFG after finishing your project. To document scripting we recommend to use R Markdown (.rmd) files if possible. Between your code chunks you should annotate the script with everything that is necessary to understand and follow the code. Additionally, if you push new code to GitHub for version control, you have to comment on your committed code as well. It may be necessary to have an additional word document.

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Project Folder Structure

A new project can be started by installing the d6 R-package. Running new_project() with a unique and descriptive name for your project (see below) will create a full scaffolding structure for all your future analysis steps. If you like, you can also specify a path and the project will be created there.

Please create repositories on the EcoDynIZW account and not on your private account!

Root project folder

Name it like:


e.g. unicornus_wl_sdm_smith_j (unicornus project in wonderland, species distribution model from John Smith) or stability_simu_rpackage_smith_j

The root project folder should hold:

The main folder structure created in the root directory should look like this:

└── unicornus_wl_sdm_smith_j
    ├── data
    ├── docs
    ├── results
    ├── plots
    └── scripts

The full scaffolding structure including all subdirectories and additional files looks like this:

└── unicornus_wl_sdm_smith_j
    ├── .Rproj.user          —  Rproject files
    ├── data                 —  main folder data
    │    ├── processed       —  processed tabular data files
    │    │    └── geo        —  processed geospatial data files
    │    └── raw             —  raw tabular data files
    │    │    └── geo        —  raw geospatial data files
    ├── docs                 —  documents main folder
    │   ├── admin            —  administrative docs, e.g. permits 
    │   ├── literature       —  literature used for parametrization + manuscript
    │   ├── manuscript       —  manuscript drafts (main + supplement)
    │   ├── presentations    —  talks and poster presentations
    │   └── reports          —  rendered reports
    ├── results              —  explorative plots, tables etc. (except final figures)
    ├── plots                —  final figures for manuscript and supplementary material
    ├── scripts              —  script files (e.g. .R, .Rmd, .Qmd, .py, .nlogo)
    │   └── zz_submit.R      —  final script to run before submission
    ├── .gitignore           —  contains which files to ignore for version control
    ├──            —  contains project details and package dependencies
    └── project.Rproj        —  Rproject file: use to start your project

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Data Backup

Important: backup your work! Make copies of raw data/files and scripts and save it in another location if you work on private computers. PhD students should work on the M-drive or the U-drive, never directly on the C-drive of the computer.

Manuscript Submissions/Revisions

When you are submitting a manuscript create a copy of the related subproject folder and add a suffix submission_1_<JournalAbbreviation>. This copy shall be stored and never changed—we recommend to zip this folder! When conducting a revisions or resubmission, copy the folder to submission_2_<JournalAbbreviation> and revise the paper.

Please find additional information on ‘how to write a scientific paper’, how to avoid statistical pitfalls or how to organize workflows here.

GitHub repository

The final step after your paper gets published is to make the GitHub repository public (or create a repository if you haven’t before). The repository should contain clean code and data that runs properly. If you are using R, please make sure to use a R-Project with the given folder structure (see appendix A).

The title of the repository should contain the last name of the first author, the year, and the abbreviation of the journal (e.g. Smith_2023_Science). Please add the title of the paper as the description (in quotation marks). Please provide the reference of the paper, including the DOI as a hyperlink, and the abstract in the README file. Add further notes on the files contained and the scripts if needed. Please use this template:

# Smith et al. (2023) *Science*

> **Richard Smith**, Don Joe Radchuk & **Jane Head** (2023): Study title. 
*Science* 1-2. DOI: [doi-goes-here](

Abstract text.

## Scripts

... more notes if needed

Add the title in quotation marks as the description and the DOI as link to the repository about (right upper corner). For examples see study repositories on our GitHub).

Finally, make sure to turn the visibility to public and transfer the ownership to the EcoDynIZW GitHub organization. If you have need help or have questions please ask the data manager for help.

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Appendix A) Scripting

General recommendations


A screenshot of the RStudio general settings


In general we recommend using Jupyter notebooks. [under construction]

[under construction]


In general we recommend doing GIS analyses in R. If you have to use QGIS use Python as scripting language. However, the RQGIS package provides a great opportunity to script complete workflows in QGIS by using R. Moreover, you can include R scripts in the QGIS toolbox.

[under construction]

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Appendix B) Spatial Data

If you are working with spatial data please have the following in mind:

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Appendix C) What Nature Says…

Nature 561, 277 (2018)

Why you need an agenda for meetings with your principal investigator

A list of talking points can help with navigating potentially difficult topics and sticky negotiations. As PhD students, we often find ourselves discussing our interactions with our principal investigators (PIs) and swapping advice for improving our mentoring meetings. We have found three practices to be consistently helpful:

Read the full text:

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