We are looking for motivated students interested in questions about wildlife dynamics and distributions under global change, animal behavioral ecology or advancing theory in ecology and evolution. Students should have a strong background in (or the will to learn) R, statistics and modelling. Please contact us for possible thesis subjects and state your skills and interests (e.g., CV, certificates,…) along with the name of one or two references.
Here you’ll find a list of offers for Bachelor and Master theses.
For TU Berlin students: Please consider the Reader for the steps necessary to conduct a thesis. Successful attendance of our courses ‘biodiversity dynamics I + II’ , where we teach spatial R, distribution modelling and occupancy modelling, is of advantage.
Below, you will find an overview over currently running theses as well as a list of completed theses for your information.
For older Bachelor and Master theses please check here:
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Tracking an urban dweller: Red fox movement patterns and energetic costs in a human-dominated landscape. Julia Bolk, 2024 MSc. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Biologie. Supervisors: R Krahe (HUB), C. Scholz, S Kramer-Schadt.
Co-occurrence of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) and meso-carnivores in private gardens in Berlin, Germany. Josefa Vergara, 2024 MSc. Geographischen Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Tobias Kümmerle (HUB), Dr. Julie Louvrier.
Which factors influence the risk of receiving conspecific biting wounds in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Jana Marie Kühnapfel, 08.07.2024 BSc. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Fakultät für Biowissenschaften. Supervisors: S. Benhaiem, E. White.
Untersuchung der biologischen Homogenisierung urbaner Lebensräume unter Verwendung bürgerwissenschaftlicher Daten. Martin Marunczak, 23.09.2024 BSc. Humboldt Universität, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Biologie. E Heitlinger (HU), S Kramer-Schadt.
Computerassistierte fotografische Wiedererkennung bei der Zauneidechse (Lacerta agilis). David Daniel Beckenbauer, 22.03.2024 BSc. TU Berlin, Fakultät VI, Studiengang ‘Ökologie und Umweltplanung’. Supervisors: S Kramer-Schadt, M.-O. Rödel (MfN).
Foraging habitat selection by barn swallows and house martins in agricultural landscapes. Nadja Schedensack , 16.06.2024 MSc. Ecology and Environmental Planning, TU Berlin. Supervisors: S Kramer-Schadt, Wiebke Ullmann (UPotsdam).