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Achter S, Borit M, Cottineau C, Meyer M, Polhill J, Radchuk V (2024): How to conduct more systematic reviews of agent-based models and foster theory development - Taking stock and looking ahead. ENVIRON MODEL SOFTW, 173 ,105867. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105867
Alexiou I, Coudrat CNZ, Niedballa J, Wilting A, Tilker A (2024): Multi-species occupancy modeling of ground-dwelling mammals in central Laos: a case study for monitoring in tropical forests. WILDL BIOL, e01261. doi:10.1002/wlb3.01261
Alves GB, Tôrres NM, de Almeida Jácomo AT, Finnegan SP, Trapé Trinca C, Moreira R, Sanz-Pérez A, Sollmann R, Silveira L (2024): Jaguar (Panthera onca) population dynamics in an “isolated” national park in the Cerrado biome, Brazil. MAMM RES. doi:10.1007/s13364-024-00758-x
Berger U, Bell A, Barton CM, Chappin E, Dreßler G, Filatova T, Fronville T, Lee A, van Loon E, Lorscheid I, Meyer M, Müller B, Piou C, Radchuk V, Roxburgh N, Schüler L, Troost C, Wijermans N, Williams TG, Wimmler M-C, Grimm V (2024): Towards reusable building blocks for agent-based modelling and theory development. ENVIRON MODEL SOFTW, 175. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106003
Bischof R, Vallejo-Vargas A, Semper-Pascual A, Schowanek S, Beaudrot L, Turek D, Jansen P, Rovero F, Johnson S, Lima M, Santos F, Uzabaho E, Espinosa S, Ahumada J, Bitariho R, Salvador J, Mugerwa B, Nsanyi Moses S, Sheil D (2024): The moon’s influence on the activity of tropical forest mammals. PROCEEDINGS B, 291. doi:10.1098/rspb.2024.0683
Bubnicki JW, Norton B, Baskauf SJ, Bruce T, Cagnacci F, Casaer J, Churski M, Cromsigt JPGM, Farra SD, Fiderer C, Forrester TD, Hendry H, Heurich M, Hofmeester TR, Jansen PA, Kays R, Kuijper DPJ, Liefting Y, Linnell JDC, Luskin MS, Mann C, Milotic T, Newman P, Niedballa J, Oldoni D, Ossi F, Robertson T, Rovero F, Rowcliffe M, Seidenari L, Stachowicz I, Stowell D, Tobler MW, Wieczorek J, Zimmermann F and Desmet P (2023): Camtrap DP: an open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data. REMOTE SENS ECOL CONSERV. doi:10.1002/rse2.37
Burton AC, Beirne C, Gaynor KM, …, Kramer-Schadt S, …, Louvrier J et al. (2024): Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. NAT ECOL EVOL. doi:10.1038/s41559-024-02363-2
Calderón AP, Landaverde-Gonzalez P, Wultsch C, Foster R, Harmsen B, Figueroa O, Garcia-Anleu R, Castañeda F, Amato G, Grimm V, Kramer-Schadt S, Zeller AK (2024): Modelling jaguar gene flow in fragmented landscapes offers insights into functional population connectivity. LANDSC ECOL, 39, 12. doi:10.1007/s10980-024-01795-2
Caro T, Rashid RS, Zeltman J, Gierse L-M and Sollmann R (2024): Meta- and subpopulation estimation with disparate data: coconut crabs in the Western Indian Ocean. ANIM CONSERV, 27, 184-195. doi:10.1111/acv.12896
Chakravarty R, Radchuk V, Suryawanshi K, Voigt C (2024): Mountains host significantly more data deficient and threatened bat species than lowlands. BIODIVERS CONSERV, 1-16. doi:10.1007/s10531-024-02958-y
Curk Te, Rast W, Portas R, Kohles J, Shatumbu G, Cloete C, Curk Ti, Radchuk V, Aschenborn O, Melzheimer J (2024): Advantages and disadvantages of using social information for carcass detection–A case study using white-backed vultures. ECOL MODELL,499, 110941. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110941
Drenske S, Louvrier J, Grabow M, Landgraf C, Kramer-Schadt S and Planillo A (2024): Human and predator presence shape diel activity of urban red squirrels. FRONT ECOL EVOL, 12:1455142. doi:10.3389/fevo.2024.1455142
Ferreira S, Jarquín-Díaz VH, Planillo A, Ďureje L, Martincová I, Kramer-Schadt S, Forslund-Startceva S, Heitlinger E (2024): Eco-evolutionary dynamics of host-microbiome interactions in a natural population of closely related mice subspecies and their hybrids. PRROCEEDINGS B, 291:20241970. doi:10.1098/rspb.2024.1970
Fronville T, Blaum N, Kramer-Schadt S, Schlägel U, Radchuk V (2024): Performance of five statistical methods to infer interactions among moving individuals in a predator–prey system. METHODS ECOL EVOL, 00, 1–16. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14323
Gordon IJ, Sollmann R, Rantanen EM, Johnson JA, Evans KL, Penteriani V, Boersch-Supan P (2024): Ten years on for the Letter from the Conservation Front Line. ANIM CONSERV, 27: 139-140. doi:10.1111/acv.12944
Grabow M, Ullmann W, Landgraf C, Sollmann R, Scholz C, Nathan R, Toledo S, Lühken R, Fickel J, Jeltsch F, Blaum N, Radchuk V, Tiedemann R, Kramer-Schadt S (2024): Sick without signs. Subclinical infections reduce local movements, alter habitat selection, and cause demographic shifts. COMMUN BIOL, 7:1426. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-07114-4
Jarquín-Díaz VH, Ferreira Martins SC, Balard A, Ďureje Ľ, Macholán M, Piálek J, Bengtsson-Palme J, Kramer-Schadt S, Forslund-Startceva SK, Heitlinger E (2024): Aberrant microbiomes are associated with increased antibiotic resistance gene load in hybrid mice, ISME COMMUN, 1, 4, ycae053. doi:10.1093/ismeco/ycae053
Ke A, Sollmann R, Frishkoff L, Echeverri A, Zook J, Karp DS (2024): Effects of agriculture and nature reserves on avian behavior in northwestern Costa Rica. CONSERV BIOL, e14241. doi:10.1111/cobi.14241
Kürschner T, Scherer C, Radchuk V, Blaum N, Kramer-Schadt S (2024): Resource asynchrony and landscape homogenization as drivers of virulence evolution: The case of a directly transmitted disease in a social host. ECOL EVOL, 14, e11065. doi:10.1002/ece3.11065
Leonard A, Earth Hologenome Initiative Consortium (…Kramer-Schadt S, …, Voigt, CC,…), Alberdi A (2024): A global initiative for ecological and evolutionary hologenomics. TRENDS ECOL EVOL, 3290: 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2024.03.005
Mendes CP, Wido RA, Zachary A, …, Wilting A, et al. (2024): CamTrapAsia: A Dataset of Tropical Forest Vertebrate Communities from 239 Camera Trapping Studies. ECOLOGY, e4299. doi:10.1002/ecy.4299
Milles A, Bielcik M, Banitz T, Gallagher CA, Jeltsch F, Jepsen JU, Oro D, Radchuk V, Grimm V (2024): Defining ecological buffer mechanisms should consider diverse approaches. TREE, 39. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2023.12.008
Moesch SS, Straka TM, Jeschke JM, Haase D, Kramer-Schadt S (2024): The good, the bad, and the unseen: wild mammal encounters influence wildlife preferences of residents across socio-demographic gradients. ECOL SOC 29(3):6. doi:10.5751/ES-15211-290306
Moesch SS, Jeschke JM, Lokatis S, Peerenboom G, Kramer-Schadt S, Straka TM, Haase D (2024): The frequent five: Insights from interviews with urban wildlife professionals in Germany. PEOPLE NAT, 00, 1–18. doi:10.1002/pan3.10697
Mugerwa B, Niedballa J, Planillo A, Sheil D, Kramer-Schadt S, Wilting A (2024): Global disparity of camera trap research allocation and defaunation risk of terrestrial mammals. REMOTE SENS ECOL CONS, 10, 121-136. doi:10.1002/rse2.360
Nguyen A, Tilker A, Le D, Niedballa J, Pflumm L, Pham XH, Le VS, Luu HT, Tran VB, Kramer-Schadt S, Sollmann R, Wilting A (2024): Ground-dwelling mammal and bird diversity in the southern Annamites: Exploring complex habitat associations and the ghost of past hunting pressure. CONSERV SCI PRACT, 6, e13093. doi:10.1111/csp2.13093
Planillo A, Wenzler-Meya M, Reinhardt I, Kluth G, Michler F-U, Stier N, Louvrier J, Steyer K, Gillich B, Rieger S, Knauer F, Kuemmerle T, Kramer-Schadt S (2024): Understanding habitat selection of range-expanding populations of large carnivores: 20 years of grey wolves (Canis lupus) recolonizing Germany. DIVERS DISTRIB, 30, 71–86. doi:10.1111/ddi.13789
Planillo A, Reinhardt I, Kluth G, Collet S, Rolshausen G, Nowak C, Steyer K, Ellwanger G, Kramer-Schadt S (2024): Habitat and density effects on the demography of an expanding wolf population in Central Europe. WILDL BIOL, e01246. doi:10.1002/wlb3.01246
Rasmussen SL, Schrøder BT, Berger A, Sollmann R, Macdonald DW, Pertoldi C, Alstrup AKO (2024): Testing the Impact of Robotic Lawn Mowers on European Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) and Designing a Safety Test. ANIMALS, 14(1):122. doi:10.3390/ani14010122
Rostro-García S, Kamler JF, Sollmann R, Balme G, Sukmasuang R, Godfrey A, Saosoong S, Siripattaranukul K, Suksavate S, Thomas W, Crouthers R, In V, Prum S, Clements GR, Kadir A, Liang SH, Avriandy R, Gunaryadi D, Kholiq K, Pinondang I, Surahman M, Astaras C, Macdonald DW (2024): Leopards on the edge: Assessing population status, habitat use, and threats in Southeast Asia. BIOL CONS, 299. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110810
Schmied née Stommel C, Hofer H, Scherer C, Kramer-Schadt S*, East ML* (2024): Effect of human induced surface water scarcity on herbivore distribution during the dry season in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania. WILDL BIOL, e01131. doi:10.1002/wlb3.01131
Scholz C, Jarquín-Díaz VH, Planillo A, Radchuk V, Scherer C, Schulze C, Ortmann S*, Kramer-Schadt S*, Heitlinger E* (2024): Host weight, seasonality and anthropogenic factors contribute to parasite community differences between urban and rural foxes. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON, 936. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173355
Schultze-Naumburg J, Port M, Kramer-Schadt S, Heurich M (2024): Erhaltungszustand des Luchses in Deutschland - Untersuchung von Handlungsoptionen zur Verbesserung der Konnektivität. NUL 56(10), 16-25. doi:10.1399/NuL.71170
Sinovas P, Alexiou I, Roberts O, Holden J, Chantha N, Tilker A (2024): Status and conservation implications of a newly discovered large-antlered muntjac population in Cambodia. ENDANG SPECIES RES, 53, 493-498. doi:10.3354/esr01316
Sollmann R (2024): Estimating the temporal scale of lagged responses in species abundance and occurrence. ECOSPHERE, 15(1), e4704. doi:10.1002/ecs2.4704
Sollmann R (2024): Mt or not Mt: Temporal variation in detection probability in spatial capture-recapture and occupancy models. PEER COMMUNITY J, 4, e1. doi:10.24072/pcjournal.357
Sollmann R, Adenot N, Spakovszky P, Windt J, Mattsson Brady J (2024): Accounting for observation biases associated with counts of young when estimating fecundity: case study on the arboreal-nesting red kite (Milvus milvus). PEER COMMUNITY J, Volume 4 article no. e62. doi:10.24072/pcjournal.436
Sollmann R, Caro T (2024): Spatio-temporal metapopulation trends: The coconut crabs of Zanzibar. ECOL EVOL, 14, e70168. doi:10.1002/ece3.70168
Stiegler J, Gallagher CA, Hering R, …, Boerner K, … , Kimmig S, … , Kramer-Schadt S, … et al. (2024): Mammals show faster recovery from capture and tagging in human-disturbed landscapes. NAT COMMNUN 15, 8079. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-52381-8
Struebig M, Wenzler M, Runting RK, Law EA, Budiharta S, Seaman DJI, Kramer-Schadt S (2024): Connectivity conservation to mitigate climate and land-cover change impacts on Borneo. BIOL CONSERV 299:110838. doi:j.biocon.2024.110838
Tarbill GL, White AM, Sollmann R (2024): Floral richness drives pollinator diversity after fire in upland forest and meadows of the Sierra Nevada, California. INSECT CONSERV DIVERS (in press). doi:10.1111/icad.12756
Tilker A, Niedballa J, Viet HL, Abrams JF, Marescot L, Wilkinson N, Rawson BM, Sollmann R, Wilting A (2024): Addressing the Southeast Asian snaring crisis: Impact of 11 years of snare removal in a biodiversity hotspot. CONSERV LETT, e13021. doi:10.1111/conl.13021
Vullioud C, Benhaiem S, Meneghini D, Szyf M, Shao Y, Hofer H, East ML, Fickel J, Weyrich A (2024): Epigenetic signatures of social status in wild female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). COMMUN BIOL, 7, 1-12. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-05926-y
Wong ST, Mohamed A, Mathai J, Niedballa J, Kissing J, Lagan P, Hastie AYL, Wilting A, Sollmann R (2024): Changes in tropical terrestrial vertebrate communities along two anthropogenic gradients: Forest degradation and accessibility. BIOTROPICA, 56, e13320. doi:10.1111/btp.13320
Becker J, Liess M, Kramer-Schadt S, Franz M, Jager T (2024): Critical Evaluation of Effect Models for the Risk Assessment of Plant Protection Products. UBA Report 41/2024, ISSN 1862-4804, 596 pages.
Biersteker L, Planillo A, Lammertsma DR, van der Sluis T, Knauer F, Kramer-Schadt S, van der Grift EA, van Eupen M, Jansman HAH (2024): Habitatgeschiktheid voor de wolf in Nederland: een modelanalyse. Wageningen Environmental Research, Rapport 3350, 87 pages, ISSN: 1566-7197;
Haase D, Keil P, Mascarenhas A, Kaiser J, Albert C, Mayer F, Fischer LK, Strohbach MW, Egerer M, Bartz R, Knapp S, Kramer-Schadt S, Straka T, Rhein B, Wellmann T (2024): Urbane Räume, pages 787-889. In: Wirth C, Bruelheide H, Farwig N, Marx J, Settele J (Hrsg.): Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. 1256 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-98726-095-7. doi:10.14512/9783987263361
Kramer-Schadt S, Planillo A, Landgraf C, Scherer C, Louvrier J, Osterburg C, Börner K, Collet S, Rolshausen G, Kluth G, Reinhardt I, Nowak C, Ellwanger G, Steyer K (2024): Populationsgefährdungsanalyse für die Art Wolf (Anhang II und IV FFH-Richtlinie) - Grundlage für die Ableitung des Referenzwertes für die günstige Gesamtpopulation. BfN-Schriften 715. 89 pages. ISBN 978-3-89624-477-2. doi:10.19217/skr715
Thonicke K, Rahner E, Arneth A, Bonn A, Borchard N, Chaudhary A, Darbi M, Dutta T, Eberle U, Eisenhauer N, Farwig N, Flocco CG, Freitag J, Grobe P, Grosch R, Grossart HP, Grosse A, Grützmacher K, Hagemann N, Hansjürgens B, Hartman Scholz A, Hassenrück C, Häuser C, Hickler T, Hölker F, Jacob U, Jähnig S, Jürgens K, Kramer-Schadt S, Kretsch C, Krug C, Lindner JP, Loft L, Mann C, Matzdorf B, Mehring M, Meier R, Meusemann K, Müller D, Nieberg M, Overmann J, Peters RS, Pörtner L, Pradhan P, Prochnow A, Rduch V, Reyer C, Roos C, Scherber C, Scheunemann N, Schroer S, Schuck A, Sioen GB, Sommer S, Sommerwerk N, Tanneberger F, Tockner K, van der Voort H, Veenstra T, Verburg P, Voss M, Warner B, Wende W, Wesche K (2024): 10 Must-Knows aus der Biodiversitätsforschung 2024.