Clipping a Raster to a Specific Area

tutorial spatial Berlin

Learn how to use a clipping mask to extract a portion of a raster, based on a template extent. In this example we show you how to clip a raster map to the extent and borders of Berlin boundaries.

Moritz Wenzler-Meya (IZW Berlin)

Sometimes you will get a dataset that is larger than your study area and you want to clip it to your specific extent or boundaries. There are two ways to do that:

In this tutorial only the mask function is covered because the crop function is straightforward to use. The mask function gives the opportunity to only get the raster cells that are covered by another raster or spatial object.

Here are two examples showing how to use data from the PopDynCloud and one with data from the geoboundaries website/package:

Example PopDynCloud

If you have access to the PopDynCloud you can use the districts_berlin_layer like this:

berlin_mask <- get_geodata(data_name =  "districs_berlin_2022_poly_03035_gpkg",
                           path_to_cloud = "E:/PopDynCloud") # get_geodata function from the d6geodata package
Reading layer `districs_berlin_2022_poly_03035' from data source 
  using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 97 features and 6 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 4531043 ymin: 3253864 xmax: 4576654 ymax: 3290795
Projected CRS: ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
rast_example <- get_geodata(data_name =  "tree-cover-density_berlin_2018_10m_03035_tif",
                           path_to_cloud = "E:/PopDynCloud")

plot_quantitative_map(tif = rast_example) # plot not masked layer
rast_example_masked <- mask(rast_example, # input raster 
                            berlin_mask) # mask to be clipped on 

plot_quantitative_map(tif = rast_example_masked) # plot masked layer

Example geoboundaries

If not, you can use the data from the geoboundaries website or using the rgeoboundaries package from github:

rgeob_mask_berlin <- rgeoboundaries::gb_adm2("Germany") %>% # set Country name(s)
  filter(shapeName %in% "Berlin") %>% # filter for Berlin
  st_transform(3035) # reproject to 3035 (or desired crs) 

rast_example_rgeob_masked <- mask(rast_example, # input raster 
                                  rgeob_mask_berlin) # mask to be clipped on

plot_quantitative_map(tif = rast_example_rgeob_masked) # plot with function from d6geodata package


For attribution, please cite this work as

Wenzler-Meya (2023, June 26). Ecological Dynamics: Clipping a Raster to a Specific Area. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Wenzler-Meya, Moritz},
  title = {Ecological Dynamics: Clipping a Raster to a Specific Area},
  url = {},
  year = {2023}